Petrocephalus degeni

General description: 

From Boulenger (1906):

Depth of body 3 1/2 times in total length, length of head 3 3/4 times. Snout very short, about 1/6 length of head, rounded, projecting beyond the mouth ; width of mouth 1/4 length of head ; teeth bicuspid, 10 in upper jaw, 22 in lower jaw ; eye longer than snout, 4 1/2 times in length of head, once and 1/2 in interorbital width. Dorsal 19, originating above first ray of anal, its length twice and 1/3 in its distance from head. Anal 27. Pectoral pointed, about 2/3 length of head. Caudal peduncle twice and 1/2 as long as deep, 3/4 length of head. 41 scales in lateral line, 10/12 in a transverse series on the body, 9/9 between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Silvery, back dark grey ; fins grey.

Diagnostic description: 

Easily distinguished from its congeners in the short dorsal fin originating above the first ray of the anal.


Total length 88 mm.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith